To whom it concerns,
It is never how it seems at first.
You think it may be one of the hardest classes or the easiest. I thought this
class was going to be easy, but it was not. My college writing 1 was a breeze
and I figured college writing 2 was going to be too. After I received my first
grade on a documentary summary paper, I got a C. That is not like me at all. My
heart dropped when I saw the grade written on the last page of the paper. I was
horrified and angry because I knew my work was worth a A. This C made me work
my butt off to get myself the next A on a paper. As much as I hated seeing a C
on my work, this C motivated me. I am one of the most stubbornest person anyone
would meet. So you can imagine that when I got a C, that was going to change.
The hardest challenge was to overcome the way I think and feel about certain
topics. This was definitely was not my favorite thing to do, but I knew and
realized that it was for the better. I was so angry at first that the way I
thought was the only way or the highway, but with the help of dr. bonnie lenore
kyburz, she was able to gradually make me rethink everything. I do not know how
she did this, but I am grateful she did. I discovered how to make complex and
articulate complex thoughts. One of my greatest works that showed that I
changed from the beginning of the semester till now, the end of the long haul,
is the paper I wrote about drugs. The perspective of why people do drugs. I
started off hating drugs. Nothing was gonna change me. Anyone who did drugs, I
hated them too. It was so hard for me to even get out of the hateful mind set. When
I typed out my first rough draft, it was barely three paragraphs long. It was
straight to the point and argumentative. No curiosity or understanding or
feelings for those who did drugs. After sitting down with dr. bonnie lenore
kyburz, we had a long chat about my paper and why I was the way I was. By
having this conversation, it opened my eyes and my mind. I started to rethink
my own question and how and why people do drugs. I thought about their possible
situation, where they grew up, and who were they surrounded by. I listed out
ways to why they would have been exposed to drugs. I was so focused on negatives
(not saying that drugs are a good thing) and not about the positives, being
that it may be their only last resort from all the negatives in their life.
Comparing my draft from then to now, I miraculously changed from stubborn to
reasonable and understanding. I was able to put myself in a uncomfortable
situation and become aware of those who do drugs. I am beyond proud that I was
able to get myself where I am today than I was from the beginning of the
semester. I absolutely love this class. I am never excited about going to
class, but I always looked forward to going. This says a lot because I do not
like a lot of things, besides my dog and fiancé. I wish I did not fought and
stressed myself throughout the semester because I was missing out on the best
way of learning about life, politics and education. I absolutely loved this
class. I could not have asked for a better experience and I would retake this
class in a heart beat. I was pushed beyond my limits and I would not have asked for someone else to do so. Thank you dr. bonnie lenore kyburz. I am able to say that I love writing.
Looking at my work for the micro-theme paper, it is evident to see the tone I was using was not appropriate to the prompt description.
My chronological order of my emotions from the beginning to the end of the semester:
Felt like I was prepared for CW2

After all the help and writing paper after paper, I felt successful in my writing abilities. From this day on, I am the shiny unicorn that I was shaped to be.